I was a child of the 1970’s. For those of us old enough to remember the 70’s, we remember several major events or influences, among them were: The environmental movement, the energy crises, and the space program.
Environmental Movement
In 1962, Rachael Carson wrote the book Silent Spring, one the very first environmental science books. Silent Spring documented the harm caused by the chemical pesticide DDT. DDT was especially harmful to birds of prey; this chemical bioaccumulates and interferes with the bird’s reproduction, which led to near extinction of the American Bald Eagle. Indeed, I had never seen a Bald Eagle in the wild until the late 1980’s. The book Silent Spring led to the banning of DDT in the US in 1972. DDT is now banned worldwide for most uses. Silent Spring would also lead to the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970. Plus, the passage of the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act in 1972 – and the first Earth Day in 1970.
It’s safe to say the early environmental movement of the 1970’s had a significant impact on my life. I remember clearly to this day the Public Service Announcement “Crying Indian” decrying pollution (click below to watch).
With the banning of DDT more than 50 years ago, the American Bald Eagle has made an amazing comeback and is no longer an endangered species.
Although the movement has accomplished much, there is still much work that needs to be done. The big challenge today is climate change caused by global warming. Climate change is a much bigger problem than a single dangerous pesticide. Combatting climate change will require not a single solution, but literally millions of solutions. The threat of climate change was the trigger that compelled me to create Delta Energy Solutions.
Energy Crisis
In 1973 OAPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) issued an oil embargo. OAPEC halted the export of oil to the United States and several other western nations. The embargo caused the price of oil in the U.S. to quadruple from $3 per barrel to $12 per barrel. The oil embargo led to long lines at gas stations, gasoline rationing, and a stock market crash. I can remember when rationing limited motorists to only buying 10 gallons of gasoline, which doesn’t go far when the average fuel economy of American made cars was less than 13 mpg.
A few years later in 1979, a revolution in Iran disrupted oil production, and the United States placed an embargo on Iranian oil. This had the effect of tripling the price of oil to nearly $40 per barrel. And again, there were long lines at gas stations.
The two energy crises did have the beneficial effect of improving the energy efficiency of cars, aircraft, homes and other buildings and many appliances. The fuel efficiency of cars today is nearly 35 mpg, but due to the huge popularity of pickups and SUVs, the overall average of all cars and light trucks is only about 26 mpg.
The twin energy crises left an indelible mark on those of us old enough to remember. First, my father responded to high utility bills by lowering the thermostat in the winter and raising it in summer. I remember the house being either too cold or too hot for much of the year. Second, the government reduced the speed limits on the interstates, meant that it took even longer get from Omaha to any place interesting.
One of the goals I had when founding Delta Energy Solutions, was to avoid the downside of saving energy in our homes, namely uncomfortable temperatures. We believe it is possible to not only save energy, but to live in a comfortable, well-lit home.
The Space Program
I’m old enough to remember the later Apollo missions to the moon, the first space station Skylab, and the beginnings of the Space Shuttle program. The space program inspired me to pursue a career in aerospace engineering. I would end up spending nearly 30 years working in various jobs related to the space program.
Delta Energy Solutions, LLC
Although I’ve been an environmentalist since the 1970’s, I recognized that there were limitations to the environmental movement. Most environmentalists are strong advocates, yet few of them have the know-how to come up with practical solutions. A chance conversation with a colleague in 2010 lead me to begin exploring ways to combine my environmental ideals with real-world engineering.
Research would show that buildings, from residential homes to commercial buildings, consume a great amount of energy. In the U.S., fossil fuels supply most of that energy. Additional research would show that buildings constructed in the U.S. are not nearly as energy efficient as they could be.
Passive House Concept
In Germany, they are perfecting a concept originally pioneered in the U.S. back in the 1970’s known as Passive House. Passive Homes in Germany require very little energy to keep them warm in the winter. The U.S. Passive House Institute has modified the German concept to fit with U.S. climatic conditions and brought the concept back.
The Passive House concept is great, but it still requires considerable engineering to make it work in the real world. I founded Delta Energy Solutions in 2014, specifically to address the gap between concept and the real world. Although founded in 2014, it would be several years before the company really got going (life sometimes get in the way). In 2019, my wife and I broke ground on our dream house which I designed from the ground up using Passive House concepts. You can see some progress photos on the gallery page. I’m proud to say that the house works nearly perfectly, though we made a few mistakes and learned valuable lessons the hard way during the building process. Although it is not designed as an off-grid house, it very nearly is completely off grid.
Our next major project is a home in Superior, CO that uses different technology from my house, but still adheres to Passive House requirements and should be a certified Passive House when construction is completed in 2025.
Turning Concepts into Reality
Delta Energy Solutions is now ready to take our environmental ideals combined with real world engineering and our experience to the next level. We are ready to design your new custom home, remodeling project or addition, to be as energy efficient as you’d like to be, whether you envision it completely off-grid or just want to reduce your utility bill to a more affordable level.