After a couple of months of planning and work, we are delighted to announce the launch of our home energy efficiency blog.
Why write a blog?
We wanted to create a blog to educate our future clients on all aspects of home energy efficiency. We believe that an informed clientele asks better questions of their architectural, engineering, and building teams. Well informed questions lead ultimately to better decisions. For most people their home is the single largest investment that they’ll ever make. We want that investment to pay off in spades.
Compare the two thermal images below taken on the same cold winter evening. The first image is an example of a 2020 built home with poor energy efficiency yet built according to building code. The second image is a well-designed 21st century home. It is warm in the winter, cool in the summer and well-lit. The homeowner of the second home pays only a fraction of the utility bill compared to the first homeowner. Which would you prefer? Our goal is to design homes which are comfortable and affordable, both in the near term and in the long run.
In the thermal images above, the brighter the colors, e.g., yellow, the more heat is being lost to the environment.
Energy Efficiency Topics
The subject of home energy efficiency is vast, one could easily write several books coving the many separate topics. We’ll start with the basics and build up to more advanced topics. Up first are several articles discussing R-Value. What does R-Value even mean? How does it relate to energy efficiency and ultimately how does it relate to your utility bill?
A second series of articles will discuss the building envelope (the exterior shell). It will start with traditional building techniques used on nearly 99% of all new homes built in America. Traditional construction techniques have advantages, they’re quick, easy, and cheap to build. But in the long run, traditional techniques are far more expensive to maintain. At Delta Energy Solutions, we look to the future, not the past. More advanced methods and technology are now available which are less expensive in the long run and potentially less expensive even up front.
A third series of articles will discuss mechanical systems that is, heating, venting, and air conditioning (HVAC), domestic hot water, and other appliances.
We value your opinion
We hope you like the look of the blog, so feel free to look around and let us know what you think – all comments and feedback are welcome.
Thanks for the ongoing support and we look forward to hearing from you.